50 years of brotherhood in St Giles!

St Giles Lodge celebrated its 50th anniversary by raising Bro. Brian on behalf of Hartebeestpoort No. 8545 based in South Africa.
The lodge was formed due to the extended waiting lists for membership of established lodges and the insufficient capacity to meet the increasing demand for membership. The first meeting to discuss the formation of a daughter Lodge by Watling Street Lodge No. 1639 was held on the 11th of April 1973. It was agreed that the new lodge would meet six times a year, probably on the 3rd Wednesday of the chosen months. The officers of the new Lodge were decided for the first year, and it was agreed that the officers of the Lodge would provide their own collars and jewels and present them to the Lodge. By-law No. 6 was an Initiation fee of £20, which was after a vote changed to £30. The annual subscription to the lodge would be £7.50, exclusive of the dining fee. It was also decided to have a non-dining fee and a country member fee of £3.
The name of the new lodge was decided at the next meeting on the 11th April 1973, and it was proposed, Seconded, and carried at the meeting that the first Master of St Giles would be W. Bro. R Selick. Over 8 subsequent meetings, it was decided, amongst many other items, that the start time of meetings would be 6.15 p.m. (now 6 p.m.), except for the installation meeting, which would be 5 p.m.
The Consecration meeting for St Giles no. 8555 was held on Saturday, April 1974. 50 Years later, St Giles is still going strong and is a happy and friendly lodge of brothers
It is worth noting that St Giles is a common name for churches and lodges, and it is derived from the name of the Parish church of Stony Stratford. Many churches were dedicated to St Giles around this period, and the church was built in stages, with the priest’s door and the double square piscina and aumbry in the Early English style, which generally corresponds to the period c.1200 to c.1280

If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge in Buckinghamshire, please use this link to express your interest: https://buckspgl.org/join
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