55 years to the day that Leo became a Freesason, he's finally become a WM!

In the Hallstone Province of Buckinghamshire there are always great meetings, but this one was something else!
Not sure you can beat watching (now) W Bro Leo Kyte going into the chair, done so brilliantly by both the Installing Master Grae Laws and our PGM.

Leo is one of the most beloved characters in Buckinghamshire Freemasonry (and beyond), and his humour and charm really showed throughout the entire meeting. At the spritely age of 89, and exactly 55 years to the day that he was initiated, Leo finally made it!
He is now head of Eric Deung Lodge of History and Research. Created as a lodge on enlightenment, and named after a Past Provincial Grand Master, the lodge symbolically meets on the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.

It was an action packed agenda at this Spring Equinox Installation; there was a 50 year certificate presented to David Tremain, a surprise promotion for Leo given by the Past Senior Grand Warden, AND a birthday celebration for Norman Hyde, reaching 98 years of young age on the day!

To finish all that off by raising £1,000 for Leo's charity of choice, a prostate cancer support group in Aylesbury, that supported him through his previous health issues.

They say Masonry is universal, I say that today showed it really is. Combining over 110 different masons into one room, all with different reasons of why they love Leo, but all singing the same chant throughout the day.


Well done to the likes of James Blackhurst and Ewan Forrest Gordon for the work they put into today (so many others too I'm sure) as well as the long line of APOs, members, and visitors that took the time out of their day for a special person.

Have you ever though about becoming a Freemason? If you would like to be part of a global community that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, you can join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/joinAfter filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.
Arts, crafts, and exercise come to Aylesbury

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