It's a Christmas wrap, guys!

Buckinghamshire's festive initiation project comes to an end, and what a journey!
60 people became Freemasons in Buckinghamshire during 12DX, with six more set to join in January 2024.

Buckinghamshire, as a whole, had an incredible few weeks. "Well, that was probably the greatest experience in my time as a Freemason!" exclaimed John Clark, the head of Freemasonry in Buckinghamshire, during the wrap party yesterday evening. "This evening, guys, it's a free bar, and the drinks are on me!"
Thank you especially to our organisers, Bros. Lloyd, Dan, and Mark. They worked tirelessly to ensure that our freshly minted brothers enjoyed an unforgettable evening with each of their individual lodges.
They are all now placing their cases in the cupboard for the remainder of 2023 and taking a well-earned winter break!

If you would like to talk to one of our team members about becoming a Freemason in 2024, just follow this link and fill out the short form:
A special Christmas Message from the head of Freem...
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