Marcellians Lodge Raise Drifters Band Member Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis former singer of the Drifters, was initiated into Freemasonry at Great Queen Street as part of the big 100 back in 2021,

The evening was not just a raising for Ray but it was also the launch of Project Transform at Thame Masonic Hall, which is also an Oxfordshire Centre,  the last of the Buckinghamshire centres to have this fantastic system installed and rolled out, which both Leaders of Masonry John Clark and Stephen Tucker united in the completion of.

The lights and music that accompany the ceremony make it even more special adding a more dramatic effect to the evening, greatly enhancing the experience for Ray, who was overjoyed by his ceremony.

The evening was incredibly well attended, with executive representation from Oxfordshire wanting to see Project transform in action and delivered as a 3rd degree ceremony.

Ray Lewis was initiated into Freemasonry at Great Queen Street as part of the big 100 back in 2021, what made this evening and ceremony more special was it was conducted at the Thame temple which is in Oxfordshire but used as a temple for several Buckinghamshire lodges. 

One of his fellow band members also volunteered to come along and perform for him. The Drifter was able to sit back and enjoy a brilliant performance from his friend and fellow band member at the festive board. A fantastic end to a wonderful evening.

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