On Tuesday evening, Verney Lodge 8849 welcomed their latest member, Bro. Tommy.
It was an interesting meeting for several reasons.
First off, it was a Past Masters evening, which means that Freemasons who have previously served as lodge heads took the place of the regular officers for the evening. Its a great chance for experienced people to demonstrate their skills in the ceremony, and it's also a night off for regular officers.
Secondly, immediately after the meeting closed, with over a dozen new visitors to Yeomanry Hall, Bro. Grae gave a short talk on the history of Buckingham Freemasonry, the Bucks Hussars, and their connections with the Yeomanry Hall. This lodge is blessed with such a historic and beautiful meeting place. Verney Lodge is one of four Buckinghamshire lodges named after a former Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Sir Ralph Verney. His regalia is on display in the main room, his personal standard hangs from the wall, and his family bible is used in every single meeting.
Finally, at the dinner, after the meeting, the lodge congratulated their honorary member, Tyler Bro. Terry, on his recent birthday, 88 years young!
Verney Lodge 8849 is a thriving lodge; they have welcomed twenty new people into Freemasonry in recent years, but most importantly, they are a very happy lodge.
If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge in Buckinghamshire, please use this link to express your interest: