Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

Find Your Purpose with the Buckinghamshire Freemasons

In today's fast-paced world, many of us are looking for a deeper sense of purpose and a way to make a meaningful impact. Freemasonry offers a unique path to achieving both.
As a Freemason, you'll join a centuries-old tradition of community service and personal growth. Our organisation provides opportunities to contribute to local causes, support those in need, and positively transform lives. Whether it's organising charity events, mentoring youth, or supporting local initiatives, Freemasons work together to create lasting change.

But Freemasonry is more than just charitable work. It's a journey of self-discovery and personal development. Through our stories, teachings, and fellowship, you'll gain new perspectives on life, develop leadership skills, and forge lifelong friendships. This combination of personal growth and community service often leads our members to discover a profound sense of purpose.
By joining Buckinghamshire Freemasons, you're embarking on a life-changing journey. You'll have the chance to make a real difference in your community while simultaneously growing as an individual.
Ready to find your purpose and have a lasting impact?
Join us today and start your Masonic journey. 
For people based in Buckinghamshire, please use this link: the rest of the world, please use this link:

Together, we can build a better world, one good deed at a time.


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Long-term friendship is celebrated in Haddenham

Last week, Bro. Chris was installed as the head of Haddenham Lodge for the first time by his school & cadet friend of 35 years, Bro. Lee. Bro. It was a very special evening for these good friends, that saw Bro. Bill oversee the first part of the ceremony before turning it over to Lee for the main event.

Bro. Lee proposed, and Bro. Richard seconded Chris' entry into Haddenham Lodge in May 2016, which made the ceremony special for Chris.

APGM Matt Perkins delivered a flawless address to the master and a fantastic toast at the meal after the meeting. Lee then presented Chris with a miniature set of working tools with a brass plaque marking the date.

If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge in Buckinghamshire, please use this link to express your interest:

Another phoenix rises at Verney Lodge

On Tuesday evening, Verney Lodge 8849 welcomed their latest member, Bro. Tommy.
It was an interesting meeting for several reasons.
First off, it was a Past Masters evening, which means that Freemasons who have previously served as lodge heads took the place of the regular officers for the evening. Its a great chance for experienced people to demonstrate their skills in the ceremony, and it's also a night off for regular officers.
Secondly, immediately after the meeting closed, with over a dozen new visitors to Yeomanry Hall, Bro. Grae gave a short talk on the history of Buckingham Freemasonry, the Bucks Hussars, and their connections with the Yeomanry Hall. This lodge is blessed with such a historic and beautiful meeting place. Verney Lodge is one of four Buckinghamshire lodges named after a former Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Sir Ralph Verney. His regalia is on display in the main room, his personal standard hangs from the wall, and his family bible is used in every single meeting. 
Finally, at the dinner, after the meeting, the lodge congratulated their honorary member, Tyler Bro. Terry, on his recent birthday, 88 years young!
Verney Lodge 8849 is a thriving lodge; they have welcomed twenty new people into Freemasonry in recent years, but most importantly, they are a very happy lodge. 

If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge in Buckinghamshire, please use this link to express your interest:


Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year.

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Happy Australia Day!

Heatherden Lodge sure knows how to have fun at their meetings!
With probably the first raising of an Aussie brother by an Aussie Lodge master this year!
Members and visitors enjoyed an excellent evening. Amongst the high jinx at the festive Board dinner, rather appropriately, an Aussie won the much-contested inaugural running of the “Roo Stakes."
As a Freemason, if you want to join the fun, save the date of March 16th for their much revered St. Patrick’s Day, Irish Night.

If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge like this and a global community that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:

Looking after our brothers in their time of need

New Urban Lodge 6371 and Emergency Services Lodge 3077 partnered together in order to raise vital funds for the @PTSDResolutionUK. This mental health charity supports our veterans and emergency services personnel.
Lannelli's genuine Italian restaurant in Aylesbury was the venue, and the staff could not have been more helpful. 
What could go wrong when a bunch of friends are entertained by Signor Paulo Frenchini? Suddenly, a gate crasher emerges dressed as a mafia mobster; thankfully, this individual was well known to us all, and after being plied with Chianti, order was once again restored.😂😂
After supper, Bro Ewan spoke about the charity's activities, followed by Bro. Dan who provided a short overview of the therapy offered to those suffering from the psychological symptoms of this form of trauma, many of whom suffer silently. Donations were graciously accepted. If you would like to help this charity, please follow this link:

If you would like to be part of a Freemasons' lodge that helps local charities in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:

Buckinghamshire has 117 lodges that meet at 16 Centres across the county throughout the year

This is the diary for the coming month.

If there is a location & day that suits your home and work life and you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to our membership team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to be part of freemasonry and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Widows Sons Go North of the Border! Some of the members of Shires the Bucks local Widows Sons Chapter, had a cold weekend up in Scotland for the annual branding ceremony

If you are a biker this is one not to miss. Welcome fellow Branded bothers.
Remember every Widows Son is a Freemason first, just a little more handsome than the rest. ;)

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Freemasonry is supportive

At a recent meeting of the de Bohun Lodge No.8175 Bro Andre was Passed to the Second Degree having been Initiated last May by our ProvGM Rt W Bro John Mark Clark. Andre is a prime example of one of the positives of Freemasonry, Andre was a nervous candidate as at his initiation. But to see him answering his questions makes all the members so proud to see Andre now. 

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Practice makes perfect - “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn

Masters Elect, Secretaries , Scribe Es and DCs all Involved in the recent training workshops.

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:

After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Princes Risborough completed a double raising, have a rejoining member and two Initiates ready to join

Way to go Princes Risborough.

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:

After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

Please come along and say hello our very own Tony Harvey's book signing on 26th & 27th April at the Shop at Freemasons Hall

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link:

After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.