Buckinghamshire Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No 9222 held their 100th meeting on Saturday the 11th of May 2019 at the Marlow Masonic Centre.
The Lodge was consecrated on the 14th March 1987, the current Worshipful Master being Derek Watts.
Bucks Provincial Grand Master John Clark occupied the Master’s chair and presented the current Worshipful Master with his new regalia. Bucks Provincial Deputy Provincial Grand Master Hugh Douglas-Smith then presented new regalia to the Senior Warden and Bucks Assistant Provincial Grand Master Gary Brodie presented new regalia to the Junior Warden. The rest of the officers then rose in turn to receive their new regalia. In every case, the Officers of the Lodge accepted the regalia on behalf of the Officer who had received it at the Consecration of the Lodge.
After the meeting, the Members of the Lodge, partners and guests met at the Leander Club in Henley on Themes for a white table. After a sumptuous luncheon, they were entertained by an after-dinner talk by W. Bro. Richard Anderson about his life at Sandhurst Military Academy.