Eton Lodge, 2458, raised more than £500 for charity at their recent Ladies Evening.
And it was with great pleasure that the Worshipful Master, W. Bro David Burrows, presented a cheque for £250.00 to Mel Shah the secretary for Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) in Buckinghamshire.
During the presentation, at the Beaconsfield Masonic Centre, W. Bro Shah, read out a testimonial from the parent of a child who had received a teddy bear on a recent visit to the Milton Keynes Hospital A&E Department.
He wrote: “Please find this message as an expression of our gratitude for the teddy bear our daughter received upon a visit to Milton Keynes Hospital. Whilst, thankfully, the visit proved to be for nothing serious, the bear provided comfort and a calming effect in what can be a scary place for small children. It wasn't until we recently saw an article in the local paper that we realised where the bear had come from. Quite simply we just wanted to say thank you.“
In the photograph from l to r W. Bro Peter Moody, AsstPGM, W. Bro David Burrows WM, W. Bro Mel Shah TLC Secretary and RW Gordon Robertson, PGM.