New Motorbike Lodge outstrips all expectations

Over 35 new members including over 30 potential founders are eager to get out of the garage on the consecration of their new Motorbike Lodge.

Wexham Park Lodge raises £4,500 in aid of Dreamflight

David Glendinning, Worshipful Master of Wexham Park Lodge has chosen Dreamflight as his charity this year.

St Martin’s Lodge give Young Carers day off

In mid-June St Martin’s Lodge, from Bletchley, held their annual fun day for the Milton Keynes Young Carers.

Marlow Bridge Lodge supports Macmillan Nurses

During the summer recess, our Worshipful Master, W.Bro John Ryan, received a telephone call from the Marlow Branch of Macmillan Nurses, with a request for help, in the form of additional volunteer collectors, at the Marlow Regatta, held over the weekend of 13th/14th June 2015.

Haddenham Lodge fundraising for Florence Nightingale Hospice

Haddenham Lodge No. 8944 volunteers at Hospice fundraising Afternoon Tea

Amersham Lodge supports Bucks Vision

Amersham Lodge recently donated £1000 to the Wycombe Division of Bucks Vision.

Masonic Samaritan Fund - Research Study

What research study should we support in your region?

Grand Charity - Philippines Project

Plan celebrates completion of "Rebuilding Lives in the Philippines" project

TLC Programme

What is the Teddies for Loving Care Programme?

Online Revolution

How a Master Mason and former Grenadier Guardsman found a military Lodge and used social media and the internet to expand the reach of the Lodge and the Craft.

Dogs for the Disabled

Its all gone to the dogs at Taplow

This week Taplow was entertained by two lovely puppies from dogs for the disabled who’s owners gave a talk on the wonderful work these dogs do for disabled people.

New Urban's Lost Loving Cup found on Ebay

New Urban Lodge arrives in Buckinghamshire

Assistant Provincial Grand Master John Clark and the Talking Heads team attended a meeting of New Urban Lodge on the 26th March 2015 when the Lodge's Loving Cup was delivered back to them after being missing for 31 years.