Buckingham 591 had a fantastic double passing on Thursday

If you want to see the real deal come along on the 3rd Thursday in April and May when the WM and is team will be doing a 3rd degree.

If you would like to be part of a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/info .
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.

Last Saturday the 18th March, Aylesbury Masonic Hall played host to a fantastic meeting of three separate parts

A second degree was done on behalf of Buckingham Lodge with the usual superb levels of ritual that Hampden prides itself on. The master and deacons were word perfect and Bro Julian was an exceptional candidate. 

If you would like to be part of a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/info .
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.

Another superb Bowen lodge meeting to Pass Bro Cenk, enjoy the rest of your journey

If you would like to be part of a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/info .
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.

A lot has been in the news about the Widows Sons and the good that they are doing in the community


Did you know you do not have to be a mason to join the Widows Sons? You can join as a Cornerstone (an affiliate member) and still meet up and ride out with them. A lot of our brothers join as a cornerstone, learn more about the Freemasonry then become fully fledged Masons.

Ride a bike and would like to know more about Freemasonary, the Widows Sons may be your perfect first step to know more. The local Widows Sons chapter to Bucks is  why not meet up for a ride out.

If you would like to be part of a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/info .
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.

A little introduction on one of our lodges that are new to Facebook, please give them a thumbs up as a welcome

Introducing the Burke Lodge 6154

We are a very friendly lodge which meets in Marlow Masonic Centre with 6 regular meetings a year (Installation in October followed by November, December, February March and April). Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month. 
The Lodge received its warrant on 1st August, 1945 and was consecrated on the 3rd of October that same year. The Lodge takes its name from the politician Edmund Burke. 

We acknowledge that inclusivity and family are the keys to Freemasonry. Hence, we also enjoy a very busy social life with varied activities throughout the year including an annual Ladies Festival which celebrates our Ladies and their support of us and our activities. We also have quiz, curry and Christmas dinner nights and BBQs throughout the year.
We would love to see you all at one of our meetings and support for our new page would be very much appreciated!

If you would like to be part of a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/info .
After filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch.

Special Interest Lodges in Bucks

Buckinghamshire Classic Car Lodge - 9945.
Consecrated in May 2017 after the result of 18 months of hard work and organisation by a number of keen masonic car enthusiasts in the Province.

When the idea of this new lodge was put to the Province it had a superb response. 
We have a large number of beautifully restored and maintained cars owned by members within the Province and it is wonderful that the owners now have their own Lodge to meet at and discuss the finer points of their pride and joys.

The Lodge will meet on Saturdays in May, July, September and October at the Beaconsfield Centre and they will also attend Classic Car lodges in other Provinces whenever possible as well as organising weekend meet ups and visits to car locations of interest, such as Brooklands & Beulieu.

If you would like to be part of this lodge and a global community, that has its roots firmly in the ground in Buckinghamshire, please join us by following this link: https://buckspgl.org/joinAfter filling in the short form, our Membership Team will be in touch. 

The Hall Stone Jewel

This is a symbolic work of art that is worn by every Freemason in Buckinghamshire and beyond. It was created as a memorial to the many masons who lost their lives in the First World War.
The jewel was designed by Cyril Spackman and awarded to those who donated to the Masonic Million Memorial Fund.
Cyril Spackman was a world-renowned architect, painter, printmaker, and sculptor.

The official description of the Hall Stone design.
The jewel is in the form of a cross, symbolising Sacrifice, with a perfect square at the four ends, on the left and right, squares being the dates 1914-1918, the years in which the supreme sacrifice was made. Between these is a winged figure of Peace presenting the representation of a Temple with special Masonic allusion in the Pillars, Porch and Steps. The medal is suspended by the Square and Compasses, attached to a ribband, the whole thus symbolising the Craft's gift of a Temple in memory of those brethren who gave all for King and Country, Peace and Victory, Liberty and Brotherhood.

Ties worn by Buckinghamshire Freemasons feature the jewel as Buckinghamshire is the only Hall Stone Province left in the World. John Clark, Head of Freemasonry in Bucks, wears a rare and symbolic Hall Stone jewel at every meeting he attends.
You can find out more about the jewel here: https://museumfreemasonry.org.uk/stories/hall-stone-story

Would you like to join us?
Don't wait to be asked - just follow this link and fill in the form: https://buckspgl.org/info
One of our team will contact you about the next steps.